[ut2004] [OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice]

Dean Hamstead dean at bong.com.au
Thu Apr 6 01:49:39 EDT 2006



but all the bug fixes in the forums are always because 'something has 
changed in the kernel' or there is 'a bug in xyz api'

making the kernel developers look bad and nvidia look high and


Aaron Gyes wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-04-06 at 15:01 +1000, Dean Hamstead wrote:
>> sounds dangerously like 'woops we dont actually know how to fix that'
>> and pointing the finger at 'bugs in kernel api' or 'changes in the 
>> kernel' is so much nicer of a reason for nvidia developers because that 
>> makes them look good and the evil open source kernel developers look bad.
> You were told that vertex arrays causing crashes were caused by a kernel
> API change? URL?
> Aaron Gyes

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