Q3 Skybox mod

Tim Angus tim at ngus.net
Sun Apr 27 11:09:32 EDT 2008

On Sat, 26 Apr 2008 19:52:42 +1000 Tigger wrote:
> Hi, Any chance I can get the source code for this mod? 
> I've been playing with it and would like to try a few more things. If
> not, thanks anyway!


I put it together in an evening for a friend some 7 years ago, so don't
expect much out of the code (assuming you can find the changes in the
first place). There wasn't really much to it IIRC. Sorry for taking so
long to reply, I've had a busy couple of days.

> Do you know if 1024x1024 output is possible? 512x512 is what I was
> hoping for, just wondering really.

This would be very easy.

> While it is very much what I was looking for, if you ever worked on
> this again, may I suggest some kind of way to 'freeze' the animations
> like weapons, skybox shaders, flames, etc... or take all 6 shots at
> once.

This would be tricky to do in cgame code I think, at best it would
need a lot of tedious modification to the data passed to each ref entity
render. It's probably somewhat easier with the engine source available
now though.

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