r841 - trunk

DONOTREPLY at icculus.org DONOTREPLY at icculus.org
Tue Aug 15 04:26:58 EDT 2006

Author: tma
Date: 2006-08-15 04:26:58 -0400 (Tue, 15 Aug 2006)
New Revision: 841

* Deugly the ugly new ascii banner
* Re-justify some paragraphs dejustified by changing name
* Add tjw to contributors list

Modified: trunk/README
--- trunk/README	2006-08-15 05:55:38 UTC (rev 840)
+++ trunk/README	2006-08-15 08:26:58 UTC (rev 841)
@@ -1,23 +1,12 @@
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+                   ,---------------------------------------.
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+                   |  |_\___/\__, |\_,_\__,_|_\_\___|___/  |
+                   |            |_|                        |
+                   |                                       |
+                   `---------- http://icculus.org/quake3 --'
 The intent of this project is to provide a baseline Quake 3 which may be used
 for further development. Some of the major features currently implemented are:
@@ -203,19 +192,19 @@
 better if you emailed your patches to zakk at icculus.org directly than not at
-The focus for ioquake3 to develop a stable base suitable for further 
-development, and provide players with the same Quake 3 experience they've 
-had for years.  As such ioq3 does not have any significant graphical
-enhancements and none are planned at this time. However, improved graphics
-and sound patches will be accepted as long as they are entirely optional,
-do not require new media and are off by default.
+The focus for ioquake3 to develop a stable base suitable for further
+development, and provide players with the same Quake 3 experience they've had
+for years.  As such ioq3 does not have any significant graphical enhancements
+and none are planned at this time. However, improved graphics and sound
+patches will be accepted as long as they are entirely optional, do not
+require new media and are off by default.
 --------------------------------------------- Building Official Installers -----
 We need help getting automated installers on all the platforms that ioquake3
-supports. We don't neccesarily care about all the installers being
-identical, but we have some general guidelines:
+supports. We don't neccesarily care about all the installers being identical,
+but we have some general guidelines:
   * Please include the id patch pk3s in your installer, which are available
     from http://icculus.org/quake3/?page=getdata subject to agreement to the id
@@ -257,6 +246,7 @@
   Ryan C. Gordon <icculus at icculus.org>
   Thilo Schulz <arny at ats.s.bawue.de>
   Tim Angus <tim at ngus.net>
+  Tony J. White <tjw at tjw.org>
   Zachary J. Slater <zakk at timedoctor.org>
 Significant contributions from

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