[physfs] Cross compiling PhysicsFS 3.0.1 using MinGW on Linux

Ryan C. Gordon icculus at icculus.org
Tue Mar 6 11:38:44 EST 2018

> set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Windows)

This is the magic that should avoid adding -rdynamic (it picks that up 
from the Modules/Platform/Linux-GNU.cmake file, wherever CMake is 
installed, and CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME should tell it not to even look at that 

My _guess_ is that you have -rdynamic cached from a previous build 
attempt before you wrote the toolchain file. If I'm right (this is 
arguably a CMake bug, but), delete your build directory completely and 
let it start from scratch with your toolchain file, and see if that 
resolves it.


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