[openbox] Key Chain Broken by Multiple Keyboards

The Administrator admin at nosuck.org
Sat Jun 24 15:19:55 EDT 2023

2023-06-24, 08:30, Steve Litt:
> Seems to me that there's no way for keyboard2 to know you're pushing Alt,  
> Ctrl or Shft on keyboard1 and vice versa.

2023-06-24, 11:51, Parke:
> I believe there are multiple layers.

Umm... Are we talking about the same chains here? 😅


You would press “W-a” on Keyboard 1, release, then press “p” on Keyboard 2.   
Et cetera.  Besides...

2023-06-22, 14:59, me:
> A non-chained “W-h” binding, meanwhile, executes without issue--so the  
> problem seems specific to chains.

We've already established that Openbox has no issue with cross-keyboard  
modifiers--EVEN THOUGH THAT IS NOT what is being demonstrated by “W-a p”.   
(You know, in case we needed yet another reminder.)

> You should be able to examine the KeyPress and KeyRelease events,  
> including the state bit-mask, by using the xev program.

Indeed, this is what clued me into something being amiss.

> Have you considered buying a split keyboard?

If I find one that meets all my requirements, I will jump on it in a  
heartbeat.  In the meantime, however, let's fix Openbox--because unless  
someone can demonstrate otherwise, this is a bug.

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