[openbox] How do I set up openbox?

Steve Litt slitt at troubleshooters.com
Sat Jun 3 18:05:25 EDT 2023

Alessandro Vesely said on Sat, 3 Jun 2023 19:25:58 +0200

>Hi all,
>I don't recall what did I do to set up openbox.  Now I want to set up
>another PC and I'm unable to find out any hint.  The
>Help:Getting_started wiki page talks about cases I never saw.

I'm not sure what you mean by "set up".

>On my PC, I see openbox started by lightdm.  However, the string
>"openbox" appears nowhere in /etc/lightdm/*.  There is a directory
>/etc/xdg/openbox, but I'm not clear if/how it gets involved.

If you're asking what program actually executes Openbox, I'm pretty
sure that if you start with startx it's ~/.xinitrc and if you start with
something like lightdm it's started by ~/.Xsession  .

The following is a copy of my .xinitrc:

xrdb -load /home/slitt/.Xdefaults
exec /usr/bin/openbox-session

You'd probably have the same material in your ~/.Xsession   .

If you're asking how to configure Openbox, this is done in
~/.config/openbox/rc.xml    . It's pretty easy to look around that
file, use the existing stuff as examples for what you want to do, and
do it. BE ABSOLUTELY SURE to back up ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml before
you start messing it.


Steve Litt 
Autumn 2022 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times

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