[openbox] Focus-under-mouse doesn't work (mostly)

Grant Edwards grant.b.edwards at gmail.com
Fri Sep 30 08:58:44 EDT 2016

On 2016-09-30, Jim Rees <rees at umich.edu> wrote:

> Please try the attached patch.

Aaargh!  Now I can't make it happen.  It has happend accidentally
several times so far this morning (and it's only 7:52), and of course
I never notice it has happened until after I've typed a few words that
get ignored[*]. But today I can't make it happen when I want it to.

I'll give patch a try...


[I've been using 'focus-follows-mouse' since I started using X11 in the
80's (I think it was twm back then), and now I just always assume
without thinking that input goes to the window where the mouse pointer
is.  It's very disconcerting when it doesn't.]

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! ... or were you
                                  at               driving the PONTIAC that
                              gmail.com            HONKED at me in MIAMI last

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