[openbox] [solved] Re: How to enable scrolling in terminal emulator?

Rodolfo Medina rodolfo.medina at gmail.com
Sun May 17 08:45:14 EDT 2015

Jim Rees <rees at umich.edu> writes:

> Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>   Thanks.  Ctrl-middle clicking, I enable scrollbar but that's not permanent:
>   when I open one more terminal, the scrollbar is no more there.  How can I
>   make that option permanent?
> You need to set the X resource:
> XTerm*scrollBar: True
> I can't tell you how to do that, it depends on how you set up your session.

I put that line in .Xdefaults, and now it is all right.  Thanks!  By doing so,
I've also known that openbox wants .Xdefaults instead that .Xresources, and
that's why it wouldn't apply some settings that I put in .Xresources.


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