[openbox] How to deal with Tk apps?

Ian Zimmerman itz at buug.org
Fri Dec 4 02:22:09 EST 2015

On 2015-12-02 19:15 -0800, I wrote:

> Running obxprop on the main window of a Tk program seems to typically
> result in something like the following :-(
>  [1+0]~$ obxprop | grep '^_OB_'
> _OB_APP_TYPE(UTF8_STRING) = "normal"
> _OB_APP_CLASS(UTF8_STRING) = "Toplevel"
> _OB_APP_NAME(UTF8_STRING) = "main"
> This seems to dash any hope of using the openbox per-app settings.  So,
> is there any way to make it appear on a particular desktop, at least?

I have cooked up an openbox patch (attached) to help work around this
annoying situation.  The idea is that openbox writes the X window ID to
a file (you configure the file name) as it starts to manage the window.
You can then write a script that starts the original program, then picks
up the window ID and calls xdotool on it.  The script should probably be
careful about the modification time of the file - it should ignore it
and error out if the file is more than a few seconds old.  I can post
the script I wrote to handle this but be warned of my grotty shell
scripting style :-P

I can of course also make a pull request, if there is interest in such.

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