[openbox] I Have Two Instances Of 'autostart.sh Running...
maria.huana at gmx.de
Fri Oct 24 05:08:32 EDT 2014
Am 23.10.2014 04:26, schrieb E R:
> Well I don't claim to be a shell expert, but I never saw this
> behaviour in previous versions of Openbox...
> I used the sleep in the past for some things I needed to start at
> later times, but I don't need this now, and personally never got
> around to looking into what I had going on at the moment...
> Thanks for a heads up on eval `cat $HOME/.fehbg` it's always served me
> well, but if it's overkill then I'm all for doing things in a cleaner
> fashion.
> And thanks Dana too....
> Now I found something else going on in regards to compton. Compton
> dumps a lot of errors to the console, when I log out of X, so to keep
> the console clean for things I need to keep an eye on I have compton
> running the output to a log in /tmp.
> If I don't make compton sleep for one sec on startup it doesn't create
> the /tmp/compton.log, but if I let it sleep for a second it does, now
> this is odd, any thoughts here?
> And I changed it to sleep 1; (So using a colon after the number is correct?
Yes, that's correct, the semicolon (followed by a space) is used to
delimit the commands.
> By the way my background won't load if I only run for feh as;
> $HOME/.fehbg so I need it instead as sh $HOME/.fehbg
I think, Ralf means ". $HOME/.fehbg", the full-stop at the beginning
> So here's my autostart.sh at the moment...
But what's with the doubled autostart.sh ?
With the two subshells, you should have the parent process
(autostart.sh) and,
for a short time, two sleeps in your process list, but not 2 autostart.sh.
With your new version, of course there should occur only 1 sleep.
> # This shell script is run before Openbox launches.
> # Environment variables set here are passed to the Openbox session.
> # D-bus
> if which dbus-launch >/dev/null && test -z "$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS"; then
> eval `dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session`
> fi
> # Run XDG autostart things. By default don't run anything desktop-specific
> # See xdg-autostart --help more info
> #if which /usr/libexec/openbox-xdg-autostart >/dev/null; then
> # /usr/libexec/openbox-xdg-autostart $DESKTOP_ENV
> #fi
> tint2 &
> redshift-gtk >/dev/null 2>&1 &
> (sleep 1; compton --config ~/.config/compton -b --logpath /tmp/compton.log) &
> /usr/lib64/xfce4/notifyd/xfce4-notifyd &
> xbindkeys &
> sh $HOME/.fehbg
> On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 5:45 AM, R. Mattes <rm at mh-freiburg.de> wrote:
>> On Wed, 22 Oct 2014 11:27:32 -0400, Dana Jansens wrote
>>> BTW Openbox runs autostart after it has started up now, instead of before,
>>> so those sleeps may be unnecessary with an up-to-date Openbox.
>> As I said, my autostart works fine without any sleep invocations. That
>> strange and silly (sleep ... & ...) seems to
>> come from the Arch-Wiki page at
>> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/openbox#autostart. Maybe someone should
>> fix that page ;-)
>> Cheers, RalfD
>>> On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 8:32 AM, R. Mattes <rm at mh-freiburg.de> wrote:
>>> On Wed, 22 Oct 2014 01:02:14 -1000, E R wrote
>>>>> I don't see anything complicated about this. The way I have the two
>>>>> sleep lines is a common way of doing this, this method has been
>>>>> practied this way for many years in Linux...
>>>> Somehow, some of us here seem to get the impression that you don't
>>>> really unerstand your own shell program ...
>>>>> I don't see any behind the keyboard errors here, LMAO, if so, someone
>>>>> please point it out in that copy of my autostart.sh below...
>>>>> # This shell script is run before Openbox launches.
>>>>> # Environment variables set here are passed to the Openbox session.
>>>>> (sleep 1s && tint2) &
>>>>> (sleep 2s && redshift-gtk >/dev/null 2>&1) &
>>>> So, here you run two subshells. Each subshell will execute /bin/sleep
>>>> [1],
>>>> wait for sleep to exit, an then look at sleeps return code, and, if
>>>> sleep exited with return value 0, run the next program (tint2 or
>>>> redshift-gtk). Now, do you really expect 'sleep' to fail??? Most likely
>>>> not, so you might change this to
>>>> (sleep 1s; tint2)&
>>>> Next question: how long do you expect those subschells to run? The way
>>>> you programmed this, the shell will terminate once the last program it
>>>> invoked terminates. So, as long as tint2 or redshift-k run, you'll see
>>>> to shell processes in your top/ps output. Not what you want - so write
>>>> it like this:
>>>> ( sleep 1s; tint2 & ) &
>>>> That way the subshell forks tint2 and terminates. No more shell
>>>> processes arround.
>>>>> /usr/lib64/xfce4/notifyd/xfce4-notifyd &
>>>>> /usr/bin/xbindkeys &
>>>>> eval `cat $HOME/.fehbg`
>>>> That's a rather baroque way of doing this: a normal .fehbg file contains
>>>> an invokation of feh like this: feh --bg-fill .... which will terminate
>>>> feh.
>>>> So, a simple:
>>>> sh $HOME/.fehbg
>>>> or even_
>>>> . $HOME/.fehbg
>>>> will do.
>>>> BTW: I never saw the need for all those sleep invokations, in my
>>>> autostart I'll just run
>>>> tint2 &
>>>> et al.
>>>> HTH Ralf MAttes
>>>> [1] Actually, it probably won't run an external program but rather
>>>> invoke the shell's buildin sleep command ....
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>> R. Mattes -
>> Hochschule fuer Musik Freiburg
>> rm at mh-freiburg.de
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