[openbox] LeastOverlay after restoring <center>

Ian Zimmerman itz at buug.org
Mon Jan 6 23:44:55 EST 2014

On Sun, 22 Dec 2013 11:04:16 +0100
Piotr Karbowski <jabberuser at gmail.com> wrote:

Piotr> Its nice that <center> support were restored after adding Least
Piotr> Overlay.

Thanks :)

Piotr> Would it be possible to create another window in centre when
Piotr> whole screen is taken?

I'm afraid that would be a completely different policy - in what
situation would "least overlap" still apply then?  So, if you want this,
I think you have to lobby for a new policy to be added, presumably
programmed by someone else :)

Piotr> Or at least choose to create new windows in lower left corner
Piotr> instead of starting with upper left corner?

This, on the other hand, is something I can think about implementing.
But, to make it clear, it would apply only if the total overlap in both
cases is the same.  Least overlap will always have the top priority.

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