[openbox] Support for _NET_DESKTOP_LAYOUT property, i.e. config_desktops_rows option, request

Ilya Tumaykin itumaykin at gmail.com
Sat Feb 1 15:29:26 EST 2014

I've tried to adopt the patch mentioned previously to openbox-3.5.2 (see 
attachments). Openbox builds fine with that, but _NET_DESKTOP_LAYOUT property 
is still stuck to 0,0,0,0 upon login to KDE/Openbox.

Also, I've tried setlayout program mentioned here: 
_NET_DESKTOP_LAYOUT is properly updated using it, but KDE's pager is showing a 
single row ignoring changes to the said property.

Can anyone give me any further ideas either how to improve the patch so it 
actually sets _NET_DESKTOP_LAYOUT, or how to make KDE pager update it's view 
depending on _NET_DESKTOP_LAYOUT value?

Thanks for any help.

On 29.01.14 18:46:44 you wrote:
> Hello.
> I've been using Openbox for a long time together with various panels and
> pagers. Now I'm trying to get KDE/Openbox tandem work as neatly as plain
> Openbox. And it works fine in most aspects.
> However, one of the missing functionality pieces of the said tandem is the
> correct number of rows in pager, i.e. correct _NET_DESKTOP_LAYOUT property
> setup. I've read EWMH spec and aware that this property should be set by
> pager, not WM. Unfortunately, KDE does not follow standard in this case and
> use KWin to set this property since 4.8.0 (see
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=277965#c7).
> After some googling I've found a patch, which adds this functionality to
> Openbox. It was mentioned in 2004 and 2005 in Openbox ML:
> http://icculus.org/pipermail/openbox/2004-June/002624.html and
> http://icculus.org/pipermail/openbox/2005-September/003667.html.
> In these mails this patch is considered unfinished/unstable. I would like to
> know if this patch (possibly an updated verision) could be included in
> Openbox now? Otherwise KDE/Openbox tandem is broken. Maybe I could help to
> improve/test this patch in some way? I am not Xlib programmer, but I will
> try to do my best, if you give me some hints on what needs to be done.

Best regards.
Tumaykin Ilya.
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