[openbox] window decorations

turkuting turkuting at gmail.com
Fri Sep 20 01:41:10 EDT 2013

of course!


but i usually start by modifying sth existing...


ps: openbox might be a bit more frugal in its theming possibilities than 

happy theming, and don't forget to share your outcomes!


On 09/20/2013 05:36 AM, Globe Trotter wrote:
> Hello,
> I am new to openbox and am trying to see if I can make my
>   own window decorations. Is this possible? I am looking to modify
> something like the following (I found this in fluxbox):
> http://www.fluxbox.org/screenshots/screenshots_full/screenshot_zan.png
> Is this sort of window decor possible using openbox? If so, where would I get pointers.
> Thanks very much!
> GT
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