[openbox] How to bind the Super key (just the super key)?

Ian Zimmerman itz at buug.org
Thu Sep 5 00:44:41 EDT 2013

On Tue, 3 Sep 2013 10:24:01 +0200
seanh <snhmnd at gmail.com> wrote:

seanh> But sticking with what openbox seems to support out of the box, I
seanh> really do want just a single key, not a key combination, to
seanh> launch my menu. I find that's just much better for my RSI,
seanh> especially with things like window manager keyboard shortcuts
seanh> that get used many times a day. And it sounds like I'll need a
seanh> second one for the client-list-combined-menu, then a third
seanh> special key to be used in combination with other keys to make up
seanh> all the other keyboard shortcuts.  So three special keys are
seanh> needed, I think:

seanh> Click special key 1 (alone): open root menu

seanh> Click special key 2 (alone): open client-list-combined menu

seanh> Hold special key 3 and click left, right, up or down arrow: move
seanh> to window left, right, up or down of the current window.

First, the Client Menu can be embedded in the Root menu, this is what I

<menu id="root-menu" label="Openbox 3">
  <menu id="shortcut_menu"/>
  <!-- This requires the presence of the 'menu' package to work -->
  <menu id="/Debian" />
  <item label="Terminal">
      <action name="Execute">
  <menu id="client-list-combined-menu" />
  <item label="Reconfigure">
    <action name="Reconfigure" />
  <item label="Restart">
    <action name="Restart" />

Second, I find it most natural to bind the Menu key, rather than any
other key, to this action.  Don't you agree?

If you do so, you can then use the Super key as $DEITY intended, i.e.
as a modifier (not a standalone key).

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