[openbox] osd.unhilight.bg doesn't apply in my theme

Jamie Macdonald jamie.alban at gmail.com
Wed Sep 4 19:56:31 EDT 2013

I have the following osd styling lines in my themerc:

osd.bg:                 Solid Flat
osd.bg.color:           #ffffffosd.label.bg:           Solid Flat
osd.label.bg.color:     #53a93fosd.hilight.bg:         Solid Flat
osd.hilight.bg.color:   #0000ff
osd.unhilight.bg:       Solid Flat
osd.unhilight.bg.color: #0000ff

two questions:

1 - Are there no separate settings to colour the hilight behind “desktop #”
on the desktop switcher popup and the selected window in the window
switcher popup? They are both being coloured by osd.label.bg.

2 - osd.unhilight.bg is not colouring the unselected windows in the window
switcher popup (see attached picture) - does anyone know why? (it should be
blue, but it seems to be inheriting the colour from either
window.active.title.bg, window.inactive.title.bg, window.active.label.bg,
or window.inactive.label.bg)
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