[openbox] Openbox and Wayland

Ian Zimmerman itz at buug.org
Sat Feb 16 22:34:28 EST 2013

On Fri, 15 Feb 2013 18:18:31 +1100
Robbie Smith <zoqaeski at gmail.com> wrote:

Robbie> Now that Wayland is at 1.0, is there any information on how it
Robbie> might integrate with existing window managers like Openbox? I
Robbie> know that some aspects of Wayland might make WMs and DEs
Robbie> obsolete because it’s a completely different model to X11, but I
Robbie> like Openbox quite a lot.  The big DEs just don’t cut it for me,
Robbie> as AFAIK they don’t allow me to have complex fine-tuned
Robbie> configurations.

Robbie> I read a while back that the primary author behind Wayland was
Robbie> proposing that the simple (example?) compositor be developed
Robbie> into a plugin architecture that existing window managers could
Robbie> tap into, but this was several months ago now. Has any progress
Robbie> on this been made?


I would be most interested in any information along these lines, too.
Though I figure there will be many other reasons for me to stick with X
and resist Wayland as long as I can :-P

Ian Zimmerman
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