[openbox] autostart.sh and bashrc

Ian Zimmerman itz at buug.org
Fri Jun 29 01:31:53 EDT 2012

Ian> This thread went a bit off-topic, but anyway what I do is keep a
Ian> separate file ~/.environment, and source it from multiple places:
Ian> ~/.profile
Ian> ~/.bash_profile
Ian> ~/.xsession
Ian> also, I link to it from ~/.ssh/environment which means I get the vars
Ian> even when I work remotely ...

Anthony> That only works if you do not need to 'figure out' or 'program' the
Anthony> environment.  Environments are not static. They change with time!

Anthony> Also .profiles and .bashrc do a lot more than just set environment
Anthony> variables and shell specific variables.

That's why I wrote "I source it" and not "I link to it" for the local cases.

The remote case is only interesting when running ssh with a single
command, otherwise the shell run by ssh takes care of it via one of the
profile files.

It is a mess, but keeping the variables separately helps.

Ian Zimmerman
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