[openbox] [PATCH 2/2] Warp cursor to center of new window on cycle

Ian Zimmerman itz at buug.org
Sat Dec 8 02:43:24 EST 2012

On Fri,  7 Dec 2012 23:51:20 -0500
Jim Rees <rees at umich.edu> wrote:

Jim> This is mostly for discussion, as I haven't fully tested it, and it
Jim> may not be what people want.

Jim> If you have "focus under mouse" configured, and invoke a
Jim> non-interactive window cycle, you can end up with a new window
Jim> focused while the pointer is still over the old, now-unfocused
Jim> window.

I used to be a rabid focus-follows-mouse partisan, both before I used
openbox and after I started using it.  There were always inconsistencies
like this one, in _all_ the WMs that purported to support it.  And this
situation is _far_ from the only one that is broken.  I could probably
come up with a dozen if I tried moderately hard.

I think it is just much harder than it seems to support both FFM and CTF
in the same WM.  It would have to be carefully designed from the start,
instead of slapped on as a couple of hooks, and it would have to
interact with other policies such as placement.

Nowadays, I just never move the mouse over an inactive window without
switching to it first with the keyboard, so you could say my focus
policy is "None" :-)

Ian Zimmerman
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