[openbox] slideshow

Ian Zimmerman itz at buug.org
Thu Apr 5 17:14:01 EDT 2012

Frank>   I tried this..running it from a menu it ran fine.  Command was
Frank> geeqie -s -f /home/frank/mypics

Frank> Also ran fine from a term window.

Frank> Maybe your not using the -f parm ?

I am.  I should have said that.  Also, to be completely clear, in both
cases the slideshow plays in the separate maximized window.  The
difference seems to be only in the relative z-order of that maximized
window and the regular GUI window.

Frank> However when you end the slideshow geeqie itself pops up and has
Frank> to be closed.

In fact I can quit with Control-Q even when the slideshow is playing.

Ian Zimmerman
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