[openbox] coming from icewm world

J. Bakshi bakshi12 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 13 11:43:12 EDT 2011

Dear list,

Greetings !!!
I am an icewm user since last couple of years. To search more lowfat
system, I am going through fluxbox, ratpoison, openbox etc.. and found
openbox is more faster than fluxbox, still providing nice features.

I am equipped with lxappearnce, tint2, stalonetray etc...though now feel
stalonetray is no longer required due to tint2. Ok now my doubts

#1 In icewm I can easily define key bindings at .icewm/keys by

key "Alt+Ctrl+k" xkill

What to do here in openbox ?

#2 At .icewm/shutdown I can define some clean up task after logout from WM.
What is the file here where I can do the same ?

#3 Can also define winoption at .icewm/winoption like
TzClock.ignoreTaskBar: 1

Any such file at openbox ?

Please let me know.


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