[openbox] logging as another user

Ian Zimmerman itz at buug.org
Mon Sep 5 14:49:12 EDT 2011

Piscium> With plain Gnome or KDE it is possible to do this: while logged
Piscium> as user A, to log in as user B, and later return to the A
Piscium> session.

Piscium> I use plain Openbox (that is not gnome-openbox nor
Piscium> kde-openbox). Is it possible to log in as user B while keeping
Piscium> logged in as user A?

AFAIK this is not a job of the window manager.  You'd need some
infrastructure (policykit & consolekit, I think) plus a
desktop-independent applet using that infrastructure.

This is one example where Gnome and KDE do add some value (not that I
personally need it or think it outweighs the disadvantages of a bloated
desktop environment).

Ian Zimmerman
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