[openbox] recommended WM using low resources?

Jesús J. Guerrero Botella jesus.guerrero.botella at gmail.com
Fri Oct 14 04:13:47 EDT 2011

Dana said it all already, and I agree with her. Unless your WM of
choice is extremely bogus, you should just pick whatever WM you like
better. The one that offers the right functionality for you and your
way to work. That can also depend on your apps of choice (i.e. tiling
wm's might not be the best for heavy gimp users, or maybe yes...?).

The slower piece of the computer is sitting in front of the screen.
So, the best you can do is to accelerate the interface between that
piece (you) and the rest of the system (the computer). That
interface/bus is often your WM. Any WM can do the work as long as you
are familiar with it and can configure it sanely to suit you.

Jesús Guerrero Botella

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