[openbox] [maybe OT] raise window from CLI
Jorge Almeida
jjalmeida at gmail.com
Mon Oct 3 03:03:45 EDT 2011
On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 1:26 AM, Anthony Thyssen
<A.Thyssen at griffith.edu.au> wrote:
> So can "xwit" and very old kde3 program "wmiface"
> However all three of these do not have any active development.
> The new boy on the block (relatively speaking), with even more
> functionality, with active development today, is "xdotool"
> Comments or suggestions welcome!
How about killing a window when it gets hidden by others? I have this
small script that pops up a small window that functions as a clock:
In rc.xml:
<keybind key="C-S-t">
<action name="Execute">
<execute> urxvt +sw -cr "#FFFED2" -fn "xft:Bitstream Vera Sans
Mono:pixelsize=30" -mod meta -geometry 10x2 +sb -title "What time is
it?" -e sh -c " for((;;)); do echo ' '; echo -n ' ';date +%H:%M
;read -t 60 -s -n 1; clear ; done"</execute>
Sooner or later it will be totally covered by other windows. Looking
for it is more trouble than starting a new one. Is it possible to have
it automatically killed when totally covered?
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