[openbox] Adding finalactions to showmenu

richo richo at psych0tik.net
Mon Nov 14 07:13:17 EST 2011

On 13/11/11 08:29 -0800, Dana Jansens wrote:
>On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 10:41 PM, richo <richo at psych0tik.net> wrote:
>> Hi List,
>> I'm in the process of trying to add a finalactions stanza to showmenu so that
>> you can configure some actions to fire when the menu is complete.
>I;m having trouble understanding why you would want/need this at all.
>You can just add actions after the showmenu action.

I added a new action to warp the cursor to the currently focused window (I
realise it should probably be centered on the visible space, I will do that
next), but unless I did something stupid, merely adding <action name="Warp"/>
to the showmenu item didn't cause that action to happen after making a
selection from the menu.

This also begs the behaviour question about how it would be possible to not
move the mouse unless you've specifically chosen a window, which is easier
from client_list than others I guess.

>> I am using cyclewindows as a reference implementation, but struggling to find
>> documentation.
>> If I declare setup_func as
>> static gpointer setup_func(xmlnodeptr node,
>>        obactionsiprefunc *pre,
>>        obactionsiinputfunc *input,
>>        obactionsicancelfunc *cancel,
>>        obactionsipostfunc *post)
>This is for parsing the action's options. All the ObActionsI*
>functions are for interactive actions, which showmenu is not.

Now that you've said that, the source makes a lot more sense. Thankyou.

>> I believe that I then point pre, input, cancel and post to functions to be
>> executed in those conditions. My questions are:
>You would only need to change the parsing inside the setup function to
>read the final actions there and save them in the Options struct.

I had done this (Again, using cyclewindows as a reference implementation) and
stored the actions inside the Options struct, but I presumed that I'd need a
similar post action to actually call the actions, or is there magic to
arrange that?

>> Do I need to write a noop function to set the ones I'm not using to?
>> And how safe is it to stuff the ObClient that I'm dealing with into the
>> Options struct for later retrieval in my post function?
>The ObClient comes from Openbox when the action is executed, and is
>passed to the action's execute function.  Whereas, the Options struct
>is created when the config file is read.

I see that now, thankyou again.
richo || Today's excuse:

The co-locator cannot verify the frame-relay gateway to the ISDN server.
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