[openbox] window cycling dialog

David Vogt dv at adfinis.ch
Wed Aug 3 07:00:03 EDT 2011


On 03/08/11 12:00, Roman Pořízka wrote:
> Hello,
> I have tried openbox 3.5 today and I've been using the least overlap
> patch, but I cannot switch of the window cycling dialog... In my rc.xml is:

I don't think that the least-overlap patch has something to do with it. But:

> <keybind key="A-Tab">
> <action name="NextWindow"/>
> <dialog>no</dialog>
> </keybind>

As of my understanding, the <dialog> should be places inside the action, 
like this:

     <keybind key="A-Tab">
       <action name="NextWindow">

However, this doesn't work for me either.

> [...]
> Could you please tell me, what am I doing wrong?

I think you found a bug - the <dialog>no</dialog> also fails in the 
SendToDesktop* actions, for example.

Or maybe this is a feature that was removed intentionally? Maybe someone 
of the main developers could throw in a word?


David Vogt, Dipl. Techn. HF Software Eng. | Project Manager, Developer
Post:        adfinis GmbH, Brückfeldstrasse 21, 3012 Bern (Switzerland)
Email:       dv at adfinis.ch,          Web: http://www.adfinis.ch
Jabber/XMPP: dv at jabber.adfinis.com,  Phone: +41 31 381 70 47

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