[openbox] Openbox - Is this feature missing?

Dana Jansens dana at orodu.net
Tue Nov 23 17:21:11 EST 2010

2010/11/23 Américo Rocha <aurocha at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I recently swtiched to Openbox but there seems to be a feature
> missing, or, at least, I don't know how to configure it.
> I would like to know if it is possible, on a resize window operation,
> to automatically position the mouse on the bottom right corner
> The same for moving a window, is it possible to position the mouse
> cursor on the center of that window?
> This doesn't happen in Openbox. Instead, the window is resized on the
> corner nearest to the mouse cursor. That is fine if you resize using
> Ctrl+Mouse; But if you use keyboard that doesn't work very well, and I
> would like to mimic the behaviour of KWin or Metacity, as I'm very
> used to that feature.
> I configured through Obkey Alt+F8 for resize and Alt+F7 for moving a window.

The Resize action has options to specify the direction/corner for the
resize.  You might have to edit your rc.xml directly to add them - I'm
not familiar with Obkey.

- Dana

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