[openbox] move mous cursor with window when moving to edge

all-lists at stefan-klinger.de all-lists at stefan-klinger.de
Wed May 5 04:38:02 EDT 2010


I'm just about to move from FVWM to Openbox because of some of its rather cool
features (Key chains, nice Alt-Tab dialogue, ...). There are some things though,
I could not manage to work for me, and I wonder how they could be set up. Here's

Setup (excerpt):
  <openbox_config xmlns="http://openbox.org/3.4/rc">
      <keybind key="W-m"><action name="Move"/></keybind>
      <keybind key="W-Right"><action name="MoveToEdgeEast"/></keybind>

Note, that I rely on the focus settings, switching them off is not an option for

When I move a window with the keyboard [W-m Right Right Return], the mouse
cursor moves with it, which is fine. Since I rely on
<underMouse>yes</underMouse>, leaving the cursor in place would switch the focus
to another window when the window-to-be-moved "left" the cursor.

When I move a window with the keyboard to an edge, e.g., [W-Right W-Right], the
mouse cursor *dose*not* move with it. That's bad, because I usually want to move
the window a couple of edges away, but if the window-to-be-moved "left" the
cursor, another (lower) window will recieve the focus and be moved instead.

Is there an option to solve this? I was looking for something like

  <keybind key="W-Right">
    <action name="MoveToEdgeEast">

but could not find anything alike.

Kind Regards,

Stefan Klinger                                      o/klettern
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