[openbox] Focus application after autostarting it

meino.cramer at gmx.de meino.cramer at gmx.de
Tue Dec 14 19:24:27 EST 2010


via autostart.sh I start my mailer each time I log in.
Unfortunately the window remains without getting the focus.

My autostart looks this way:

    #! /bin/zsh

    /usr/bin/fetchmail > /dev/nulll 2>&1 &
    /usr/bin/devilspie &
    /usr/bin/conky -c ~/.conkyrcA37 &
    /usr/bin/feh --bg-scale .background/obox-simplicity-1600x1200.png &
    /usr/bin/unclutter &
    /usr/bin/lxpanel &
    /usr/local/bin/muttstart &

It is a little annoying -- since mutt is keyboard-/text-based -- to
first have to click the window with the mouse to be able to use it.

Is there a way to give the focus to mutt (muttstart is a script to
start mutt) via the autostart script even if other applications ends
there startup later?
How can I force a certain begin and end of the startup of the given

Thank you very much in advance for any help!
Best regards,

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