[openbox] Making openbox to start new windows on parent desktop.

Johan Vromans jvromans at squirrel.nl
Fri Oct 23 03:23:30 EDT 2009

Anthony Thyssen <A.Thyssen at griffith.edu.au> writes:

> You are currently running openbox and somehow you start a script. which
> you want it to start an application on a different desktop?

IIUC, the question is: he starts an app while on desktop e.g., #4 and
switches to desktop e.g., #2. In the mean time the app becomes active
(it takes some time, like most modern GUI apps, unfortuantely). The
app now opens its windows on the current desktop, #2. OP wants it to
open its windows on the desktop where it was originally started.

-- Johan

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