[openbox] Border Behavior and Maximized Windows

dcarroll dennis at rubgrp.com
Wed Dec 30 11:22:46 EST 2009

Happy New Year everybody,

I am trying - out of idle curiosity - to rationalize Openbox's behavior 
of drawing borders under different combinations of windows being 
maximized horizontally, vertically, or both.

The behavior doesn't seem to be consistent. If it's correct, I'd be 
interested in learning why. (Or perhaps I've stumbled upon a bug.)

FWIW, I'm running a fully-updated Openbox 3.4.9 under Arch linux. In my 
Openbox theme, I specify a 1 pixel border width. In my rc.xml, I'm 
leaving a 5-pixel margin on all sides of the monitor to make sure I 
don't miss anything.

Here's what I've found:

1. Horizontally-maximized window:
- loses its left and right borders
- perfectly plausible I guess

2. Fully-maximized window:
- loses its left, right and bottom borders
- again, makes sense.

3. Vertically-maximized window:
- doesn't lose its bottom border,
- which somehow doesn't seem consistent with the other cases.
- can anybody suggest an explanation?


-- Dennis

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