[openbox] mplayer in fullscreen has outline still visible

Clay Barnes clay at hci-matters.com
Mon Mar 10 11:28:01 EDT 2008

On 11:02 Mon 10 Mar     , Dave Foster wrote:
> Clay Barnes wrote:
>> Does anyone else get the boarder still visible on the west and north
>> edges of an mplayer window when it's in fullscreen mode (such as
>> when called by `mplayer -fs video.mpeg')?  
> Do you use the option which adds margins to the desktop?  If so,  

In OB or mplayer?

> maximized (and i assume fullscreen) windows
> have some border issues.  I've only observed a top border and no others,  
> but I rarely maximize anything.
> dave

In case this illuminates anything, I've attached my ~/.mplayer/config,
and rc.xml.

Clay Barnes


GPG Public Key (Fingerprint 0xbb14 fce2 1199 c413):
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zoom=yes	# Allow X11 stretching at the expense of CPU
fstype = above,fullscreen	# Make fullscreen set the right hints
#vf = pp=ac	# Set the high quality video filter to fix crappy encodes
nojoystick=yes	# Disable joystick input so it won't twitch and skip around
nolirc=yes	# Disable lirc input so it won't twitch and skip around
nomouseinput=yes	# Disable mouse input so it won't twitch and skip around
vo=x11,fbdev,directfb	# Pick x11 first so even without GL mplayer works
#vo=gl,x11,fbdev,directfb # Pick GL first so mplayer works best with OpenGL
#vo=vesa:vidix,vesa   # Video Output driver (Use VidiX if available, VESA otherwise)
framedrop=yes	# Enable framedrop
ao=alsa		# Audio Output driver
alang=en	# DVD Audio language : try first one then go to second if first does not exists and so on ...
#mixer-channel=Master # Device to be controlled by volume keys
vsync=yes	# Activate Vertical Synchronization
fs=yes		# Enable Fullscreen (need more CPU)
menu=no		# Display OSD Menu
double=yes	# Enable Double Buffering
fixed-vo=yes	# Use a fixed image ratio
nocolorkey=yes	# Deactivate the Colorkey
cache=1048576	# Cache Size (in kB)
cache-min=.001	# Let it start before reading a whole gig (rather just 1MB). . .
idx=yes		# Let MPlayer rebuild a file with broken headers
subfont-text-scale=3	# OSD Fonts Size
screenw=1920		# Screen Width
screenh=1200		# Screen Height 
monitoraspect="16/10"	# Set the moniter aspect so fullscreen looks right
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