Having transparency "issues"

Doug Barton dougb at dougbarton.us
Mon Jun 23 16:57:24 EDT 2008


I am running openbox on FreeBSD 8-current, with an up to date 
xorg installation. I'm shopping for a new taskbar so I've tried tint 
and fbpanel. However, I can't get either of them to be transparent. 
I've read the FAQ, and I tried both with and without xcompmgr, no dice.

I noticed the following thread on a Debian forum, so it doesn't seem 
to be OS-specific: 

To see if it's application/type specific I also tried roxterm and that 
did not work, but aterm transparency does work. Weird.

If anyone has a clue or something to try (including patches) I'm game.



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