Problem with Kpdf

Jacques Bon jbon at
Tue Jan 8 16:47:39 EST 2008

Hi all,

I've a problem using the presentation mode of Kpdf in Openbox (and XFce
too... without KDE, in fact). The screen is not full-size, but like a
window in the center of the screen.

It seems that Ubuntu users (I use Slack) have the same pb with GNOME,
and I've found on a forum that it would be compiz-relative ?

My contains
# Preload stuff for KDE apps
if which start_kdeinit >/dev/null; then
  LD_BIND_NOW=true start_kdeinit --new-startup +kcminit_startup &

Would you see what could do to use Openbox to show my PDF
presentations ?

Thanks for your help
Jacques Bon

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