[openbox] Packaging for Slackware

Dana Jansens danakj at orodu.net
Mon Feb 11 08:39:07 EST 2008


On 2/11/08, Jacques Bon <jbon at cafcom.net> wrote:
> Hello,
>  I tried to package openbox for Slackware, and found three
>  problems after compilation (vanilla Slack 12 in Qemu):
>  - no /etc/X11/xinit/.xinitrc.openbox (present in previous Icculus
>  packages) ;

This has never been a part of our releases, I've never even heard of
the file, so I think it must have been provided by the person who was
making the slackware package.

>  - Slack's original /usr/share/apps/kdm/sessions/openbox.session still
>  used by kdm, so "openbox" is launched instead of "openbox-session".
>  Should this file be included in the sources, or modified by install
>  script ?

This file shouldn't be there.. where does it come from?  The .session
files distributed in the openbox tarball should preferably be used.

>  - /etc/xdg/openbox/autostart.sh no executable : bug, or feature ?

It doesn't need to be executable, it is not "executed" like that.  You
can see how it is run in openbox-session.

Maybe you could get ahold of the person who has been packaging Openbox
for slackware for a while, you can find him through the bugzilla:


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