[openbox] GNOME Do

david david at chalkskeletons.com
Sun Feb 10 09:18:33 EST 2008

chombee wrote:
> Is anyone using gnome do with compositing successfully with openbox?

yes ;)
> I find that with xcompmgr, do's black background becomes completely
> transparent which makes text unreadable. I would just not use a
> compositor (Do works without one) but I also use awn (avant window
> navigator) and that requires a compositor. So I can use one or the other
> but not both at the same time with openbox.

i don't have this problem at all, does your gnome do work with other 
compmgrs? (compiz, metacity's own etc.)

> Is there any other compositor that works well with openbox besides
> xcompmgr? Or can anyone suggest alternatives to do or awn, perhaps that
> don't require a compositor?

cairo-compmgr looks promising, but is still in early days. wbar does not 
need a compmgr, and word on the street is there is a early branch of awn 
that will not require a compmgr (but i do not think it has seen much 
action) maybe one day openbox will have its own compositor...

> thanks

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