[openbox] Per-App Settings Question / Request

George De Bruin sndchaser at gmail.com
Sun Feb 3 11:24:54 EST 2008

Mikael Magnusson wrote:
>> Is there any way to match a window in the per-app settings based on 
>> either the WM_ICON_NAME or WM_NAME properties?
> no.
>> What I am trying to do is match a specific instance of a terminal 
>> when it starts up so I can set it's geometry, decor, etc. Since the 
>> class string is already set by the terminal, and I don't have a 
>> method to set the role property, I am searching for some way to 
>> accomplish this.  The best I have found so far is to set the title, 
>> which in turn, sets the two properties I've mentioned.
>> This would actually be more useful to me than just this one case...  
>> It wold lend itself, for example, to setting unique properties on 
>> several different terminal types I use (ie, "root terminal", "plain 
>> terminal", "screen", etc.)
> Most good terminals take a -name option, so you can do
> xterm -name foobar
> or
> urxvt -name foobar
> and match on <application name="foobar">.

Sure enough, this terminal (aterm) does allow setting the name.  I'd 
just missed it in the man page.

Thanks for the pointer!

// George

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