Per-App Settings Question / Request

George De Bruin sndchaser at
Sun Feb 3 11:14:01 EST 2008

Is there any way to match a window in the per-app settings based on 
either the WM_ICON_NAME or WM_NAME properties?

What I am trying to do is match a specific instance of a terminal when 
it starts up so I can set it's geometry, decor, etc. Since the class 
string is already set by the terminal, and I don't have a method to set 
the role property, I am searching for some way to accomplish this.  The 
best I have found so far is to set the title, which in turn, sets the 
two properties I've mentioned.

This would actually be more useful to me than just this one case...  It 
wold lend itself, for example, to setting unique properties on several 
different terminal types I use (ie, "root terminal", "plain terminal", 
"screen", etc.)

// George
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