VMware and chrooted keychains

Roman Pořízka porizka at gmail.com
Tue Apr 29 09:53:36 EDT 2008

I've got a question about chrooted keychains. They aren't working for
me when VMWare player is running. I've got this keychain:

 <keybind key="C-A-v" chroot="true">
      <keybind key="Up">
        <action name="Execute">
          <execute>aumix -w +5</execute>
      <keybind key="Down">
        <action name="Execute">
          <execute>aumix -w -5</execute>
      <keybind key="Right">
        <action name="Execute">
          <execute>aumix -v +5</execute>
      <keybind key="Left">
        <action name="Execute">
          <execute>aumix -v -5</execute>
      <keybind key="Escape">
        <action name="BreakChroot"/>

When I press C-A-v and then Up with VMplayer running the chroot is
broken without pressing Escape. Could this be solved within openbox
code or there's need for VMPlayer fix?

With regards,
Roman Porizka

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