[openbox] exposé, compositing

hungerburg dub at lazy.shacknet.nu
Sat Jun 23 03:58:51 EDT 2007

On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 11:33:52PM +0100, David Barr wrote:
> You ought to try the version in GIT, it is still developed, but not much
> http://gitweb.freedesktop.org/?p=xorg/app/xcompmgr.git;a=summary

hello David,

I did as advised and cloned the git tree to run the most up to
date version of xcompmgr. still it happens, that after a day
or so all of a sudden X slows to a crawl and starts hogging
the cpu - moving an xterm I can see the cursor change to a
cross, then some time later the window actually starts moving
slowly. killing the xcompmgr fixes that immediately.

absent of similar experiences of users on the list, I must
guess its a problem with the x-server in current debian sid or
the nvidia driver.


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