minor problems with xinerama

Tanjeff-N. Moos tanjeff at not-another-server.net
Tue Jun 12 11:23:03 EDT 2007


I use Xinerama on my 12" laptop. The first screen has 1024x786 (it's
the laptops display) and the second one has 1280x1024 (it's a 20" CRT).
In addition, the screens are not horizontally aligned:

  |                    |
  |                    |
  |       Screen       |
  |          1         |
  |                    |
  |                    +----------+
  |                    |          |
  +--------------------+  Screen  |
                       |     0    |
                       |          |

Now, when moving a maximized window from one screen to another, it
begins to flicker. OpenBox seems not to be sure where to put the
window. This is the case when the mouse is in a certain area around
the middle edge while moving.

On another computer, where the screens has same resolution and are
horizontally aligned, this problem does not occur.

It is not a great issue, but maybe it is of interest to the developer
who did the feature. I assume you want to write a perfect window
manager ;-)


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