Dclock application with Openbox 3
Olivier Regnier
oregnier at steelbox.org
Mon Feb 12 08:30:24 EST 2007
Im currently running Openbox 3 on FreeBSD 6.2. Today, i installed dclock
application with the ports tree. When i lauch openbox, dclock appears in
the left corner of my screen but there is a gray framing around my
application. If you want, i can join a screenshot ?
I have four files called .xinitrc, autostart.sh, .Xresources and rc.xml
### the .xinitrc file
### the autostart.sh script
# load the X Resource file
if [ -f $home/olivier/.Xresources ]; then
xrdb -merge $home/olivier/.Xresources
# background
fbsetbg -f /home/olivier/.config/openbox/backgrounds/Suave_lands.jpg
# date/time
dclock -miltime &
# start openbox
exec openbox
### the .Xresources file
dclock*background: #5B9A32
dclock*foreground: #F5F5F5
dclock*geometry: -0-0
dclock*led_off: #5B9532
### the rc.xml file with this content
<application name="dclock">
I don't need a decor and framing :) Can you help me please ?
Thank you :)
Olivier Regnier
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