[openbox] Re: My first litle hack =)

Brian Gomes Bascoy gomesbascoy at gmail.com
Mon Apr 2 17:11:11 EDT 2007

Henrik Enberg escribió:
> Brian Gomes Bascoy <gomesbascoy at gmail.com> writes:
>> Sorry about the other diff ;P
>> I made this today from svn source:
>> **--- config.c.old        2007-04-02 15:18:08.000000000 -0300
>> +++ config.c    2007-04-02 15:24:37.000000000 -0300
> Won't this cause whatever programs specified there to execute every time
> you reload the config?  That sounds a bit annoying.
Hmmm, I didn't think about that problem. I will try to solve this adding 
an option in the xml like this:
  <execute magicflag=1>xpanel</execute>
  <execute>xsetroot -bg blue</execute>
If the magicflag is 1 then search if some other process with this name 
are running (or with some temp file), if this is true, xpanel will not 
be executed.
Then if you want to change the color of the root window you can change 
the xml and restart openbox, but xpanel will not be re-executed.
By default magicflag is 0..

bye =)

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