[openbox] Ob4

David Barr david at chalkskeletons.com
Fri Jan 13 07:38:13 EST 2006

On Thu, 2006-01-12 at 10:17 -0500, John Russell wrote:
> I would love to see development start on openbox again.  I fear it has
> started to stagnate although being as feature complete an unbuggy as
> this its hard to argue.
i don't think development ever stopped :) considering Mikael is the ONLY
developer i think without people contributing patches people should not
be so harsh.

the inclusion of pango was a pretty big step, even if it was not all
whistles and bells, it improves internationalisation no end.

everyone just wants fancier windows crap, which is fine (so do i) but at
the end of the day it is maybe not what openbox is about. 

cosmetic changes to openbox are easier to do but no that *useful*

something like optionally using freedesktop menus and better overall
integration with standards, i think are the most important and the ones
properly voiced so far...

anyway for anyone who is brave of heart strong of spirit, ability to
stand up and spit in the face of evil etc  
here are pictures of some screens of patches to openbox,

including patches do: 

removes menu title (sort of messy, but thank you mr Doug Whiteley,
should be easy to make it an option depending if there is a set label?)
adds split gradient (glossy) (thank you cai!)
set static width for grips
set dock to menu.bg.colour
add a "menu.border.color:" to the themerc files or else it is black
soften raised/sunken bevel (thank you mikael)

things i would maybe like to see/do are:

more control over buttons (somehow)
some kind of compositing handling (for the kids y'know...)
inactive/active frame (this should be easy?)
internal/external frame (external just a rim around teh complete window,
internal including title bar and grip etc)

things in dreams:

inheriting gtk colours

i think what is important to not increase any dependencies and to try
and have everything fall back to sane defaults.

anyway, that is all, my point is *less whining more patches*

if anyone thinks having an "openbox-love" day like "gnome-love" is a
good idea i think it would be interesting.

take care


ps if you are sensible and not very annoying #openbox at irc.oftc.net is
full of people discussing openbox things as well as politics, current
affairs, wittgenstein, general high brow activities or not.

> On 1/12/06, dams <dams at dams-interactive.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I like very much OpenBox, and I use it in nativ, without gnome or kde
> > stuff. I like its speed, and its mouse-wheel desk change :) (very cool).
> > So, what can we add to openbox?
> >
> > I think than perhaps, some new windows style stuff can be add, for doing
> > non-squad windows decoration, for exemple.
> > An other stuff will be internal transparent composing, like fluxbox or
> > kde can do, without xorg-composing tool.
> >
> > But as it is, I think OpenBox is still the best.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> >
> >

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