theming: change win title height / menu title height

Iwan Gabovitch wanjaworm at
Mon Jan 9 14:14:55 EST 2006

Hey there,
I was wondering what magic word(s) to put in the 'themerc' file to make  
the menu title dissapear or the window title height change.
I found the file /usr/local/include/openbox/3.3/openbox/theme.h and the  
 from the lines 43/44

"    gint title_height;		"
"    gint menu_title_height;	"

I tried " 14" and "menu.title.height: 0", no  
reaction. I did 'refresh/reconfigure' openbox.
I am sure there is a way to get some kind of order working to change  
window/menu title sizes, just don't know how..
I'd be glad if there is hope for me being helped ;) my version is 3.3rc2

*This is what I mean by making the menu title disappear, setting the menu  
title size to zero doesn't do the trick...

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