[openbox] Lockable Key-chains

Bartosz Oudekerk bartosz-openbox at unreachablehost.net
Tue Aug 29 06:14:52 EDT 2006

Mikael Magnusson wrote on Mon, 28 Aug, 2006 at 03:42:39AM +0200:
> I also don't know if i want to accept money 
> for specific features, although you're more than welcome to donate anyway 
> :).

If you'd like people to donate, you might want to make it easier for
them. For example by advertising it on the homepage and telling them
where to send the money.

p.s. this doesn't necessarily mean that I will, nor that I won't. It's
just a comment.

Bartosz Oudekerk

You can't teach people to be lazy -- either they have it, or they don't.
		-- Dagwood Bumstead
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