[openbox] Lockable Key-chains

Bartosz Oudekerk bartosz-openbox at unreachablehost.net
Mon Aug 28 06:48:21 EDT 2006

Mikael Magnusson wrote on Mon, 28 Aug, 2006 at 03:42:39AM +0200:
> On Sun, 27 Aug 2006, Clay Barnes wrote:
> >On 23:52 Sun 27 Aug     , Bartosz Oudekerk wrote:
> >>
> >>I don't know if it'll change anything, but I'd be willing to pay for
> >>such a feature. I don't have that much to spend, but perhaps others
> >>(clay, jonas), would be willing to chime in?
> >Depends on how much it would take.  I'd be willing to throw in a little
> >money for this feature to save the time of coding it myself.  I'm trying
> >to get two seperate degrees at once (not a double-major), so I am rather
> >short on time to learn the codebase enough to build such a feature.

If you find the time for it, be sure to post a link to the patch here.

> >Mikeal?  What's your price for it?
> Unfortunately my summer vacation ended with the release of 3.3, so I'm not 
> sure I have time for coding. I also don't know if i want to accept money 
> for specific features, although you're more than welcome to donate anyway 
> :).

I can understand that, but if you do find the time, please see if you
could move this feature up on your TODO list. Since OB support tons of
actions, I think many people would find it usefull. Since it should
work(IMNSHO) exactly like the Caps_Lock, perhaps you could look at some
keyboard handling code for ideas on how to achieve it, and save time
that way?

In the meantime, does anyone know of a rc.xml which supports a lot of
moving actions, like the one Clay posted here, but without the

Bartosz Oudekerk

A vacuum is a hell of a lot better than some of the stuff that nature
replaces it with.  -- Tennessee Williams
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