[openbox] Lockable Key-chains

Bartosz Oudekerk bartosz-openbox at unreachablehost.net
Sun Aug 27 17:52:34 EDT 2006

Mikael Magnusson wrote on Sat, 26 Aug, 2006 at 01:29:55PM +0200:
> On Sat, 26 Aug 2006, Bartosz Oudekerk wrote:
> >I thought it might be a great feature to 'lock' a chainkey, so that
> >when you press a certain key-combination, you enter a sort of command
> >mode.
> >
> ><keybind key="C-o">
> > <keybind key="Up">
> >   <action name="MoveRelativeVert"><delta>-20</delta></action>
> > </keybind>
> ></keybind>
> >
> >With the above example, I press Up once, and then have to start over
> >again, I'd like to be able to keep pressing Up, until I either cancel
> >the chain or it times out.
> >
> >Is this at all possible, and if not could it be added? Thanks.
> https://bugzilla.icculus.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2769

Ah, I should have searched that first.

> It shouldn't be impossible to add, but I probably won't be the one doing 
> it anytime soon.

I don't know if it'll change anything, but I'd be willing to pay for
such a feature. I don't have that much to spend, but perhaps others
(clay, jonas), would be willing to chime in?

I have one thing to add to the original request, which isn't clear from
either my or clays description. It should be possible to use several
different commands within the mode, not just one multiple times.

Bartosz Oudekerk

Large cats can be dangerous, but a little pussy never hurt anyone.
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