Lockable Key-chains

Bartosz Oudekerk bartosz-openbox at unreachablehost.net
Sat Aug 26 07:04:22 EDT 2006


I've just started using Xinerama, which (for me) means I'll be using
more actions, which need keybindings. I'd like to keep them from
intervering with applications keybindings as little as possible.

I thought it might be a great feature to 'lock' a chainkey, so that
when you press a certain key-combination, you enter a sort of command

<keybind key="C-o">
  <keybind key="Up">
    <action name="MoveRelativeVert"><delta>-20</delta></action>

With the above example, I press Up once, and then have to start over
again, I'd like to be able to keep pressing Up, until I either cancel
the chain or it times out.

Is this at all possible, and if not could it be added? Thanks.

Bartosz Oudekerk

It's so stupid of modern civilization to have given up believing in the
Devil when he is the only explanation for it.
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