Getting the window ID and startup issues

GI gautam at
Mon Mar 28 18:50:23 EST 2005

Hi All,

I've two questions --

1. Is it possible to get the window ID when I click the iconify button?
   The reason I'm asking is because I saw a screen shot of fvwm where
   the icons minimised windows are just miniatureised versions of the
   window itself. Pretty neat! Check out the fvwm screenshot at:

   From what I understand this is not a fvwm feature. This is done by
   grabing the window image, using convert to make a small PNG out of
   it, and then putting it on the desktop. I can do this in Openbox, but
   only if I know the window ID.
   Once I have the desired window ID, I can easily get the window image
   and do what I please with it. I think idesk (or some other nifty
   application) will put the converted image as a nice icon on the
   desktop. And then I can use wmctrl -ia <WINID> to raise the
   apropriate window when I click on the icon.

2. My second question is a little painfull. In my session startup, I
   like starting a few programs (like oclock) undecorated. So I do the
   following (in my .xinitrc):

	openbox & WMPID=$!

	oclock -transparent -geometry 100x100-0+0 -fg grey &
	sleep 5 && wmctrl -r oclock -b add,undecorated,above

	wait $WMPID

   Ofcourse I used the patch that supported the "undecorated" property
   to wmctrl. The problem I'm having is that sometimes wmctrl loads
   *before* openbox has taken control of the oclock window (This happens
   often when some shmuck has used gnome / kde right before I loged in.
   In this case our lameass systems swap memory for about 30secs before
   openbox starts up fully). Most of the time the above works perfectly,
   and I've the desired result with my oclock window. But when there's a
   delay in openbox initialising, I get a decorated oclock on my
   desktop and a wmctrl error message (something about a missing xatom)
   in my stderr. Anyone know how I can avoid this?

Thanks in advance,


'Laziness' -- Resting before you get tired.

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