[openbox] how do you start a window w/o decorations?

dave dufeau at uts.cc.utexas.edu
Tue Feb 1 01:23:34 EST 2005

If by start a window, you mean launch a terminal, you could use eterm.   
There is a switch for eterm that allows you to turn off the decoration-  
even in openbox.  I don't know the syntax off-hand, but you should be  
able to find it with 'man eterm'.  If you can't find the syntax, let me  
know and I could dig around and figure out how I did just this thing  



On 01/14/05 01:06:37, Marc Wilson wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 13, 2005 at 03:12:56PM -0500, Richard K. Kishore wrote:
> > How do you start a window without decorations?
> You don't.
> --
>  Marc Wilson |     Matz's Law: A conclusion is the place where you  
> got
>  msw at cox.net |     tired of thinking.

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